I was born in Taiwan and raised in Taiwan, China and United States. My earliest
memory of working with technology was breaking my sister's computer while tweaking the settings in windows
95 around 6 years old. I spent most of my working life using and learning new technology. Starting with
databases during my time at Toyota Corp and Quotit, through both roles I refined my skill set and
understanding through learning HTML/CSS/JavaScript and Python.
Four years of mostly self-paced learning later, I garnered the money and discipline in attending an
accelerated web development program at LearningFuze. LearningFuze deepened my technical acumen and
understanding the necessity for community, network and mentorship. At LearningFuze, I dove deeper
into web technologies and worked on various projects such as
PPE Agora and
codeMatch. I've spent most of my days reading, learning about and writing code since
then, loving every struggle of every day. My near term goals are to
work more closely with Salesforce development, contribute to open source projects I've
found and am interested in, and hopefully find meaningful work along the way.
tl;dr Been working with tech since little. Saved money, went to dev program, became capable. Job wanted.